Lot 872: Pharmacy. Wm Campbell & Co., London. Large Cobalt Globe with Applied Seal. Pontil. (United Kingdom)

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Sold for A$480

Wm Campbell & Co / London. Base mark: Sand type pontil. (United Kingdom). Medicine. Pharmacy. Applied top with chunky flared lip. Large globular shape. Applied seal. Sand type pontil. Cobalt. About 1 Gallon. 256 mm. Mid 19th century

Excellent. (8). A bit of grime around the seal and under the lip. Some fine inner haze to the upper shoulder, probably some form of fine contents residue stain. The wide part of the body has a band of scuffs and scratches around it, there are a few little impact nicks around this part. Usage wear under the heel with a little impact surface flake or two. The pontil is unusual, looks to be a sand type pontil with a rough pitted effect to it. Thin burst bubble to inner lip edge. Some scratches and minor marks. What an imposing and superb piece! Not much is known in the UK about these either, they are rarely seen over there, with only a few turning up in Germany of all places. I note that there was a Dr Wm Campbell in London in the 1820s-1830s, I wonder if this is related to him in any way? Regardless, an amazing item which will truly be a stand out in anyone's collection. Estimate: $1000-1500
Pharmacy. Wm Campbell & Co., London. Large Cobalt Globe with Applied Seal. Pontil. (United Kingdom)
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