Sold for A$60
1. This bottle is / the property of / Trade Mark / (BCD in a Diamond) / and / Piesse Ltd / Perth & Katanning / W. A. / Contents only are sold. Dot to centre of base. 2. Golden West / Trade (Rising Sun) Mark / Golden West / Regd / This bottle is the / property of the Golden West / Co West Australia. Base: A292 / M / Modern AGM Monogram / small impressed 1942. 3. Northey & Harridge / (Club symbol with a Diamond inside, Ace High / Trade Mark) / Perth and Fremantle / This bottle is the property / of Northey & Harridge W. Aus // Harridge's. Base: Modern AGM Monogram / A??? / A / impressed 1953. 4. R. Mackey & Co / Limited / Trade (Globe) Mark / Kalgoorlie // This bottle is the / property of R. Mackey / & Co Ltd Kalgoorlie. Base mark: A320 / A / Modern AGM Monogram / small impressed 194?. 5. This bottle / is the property / of / Nettle & Nettle / Trade (Crown) Mark / Kalgoorlie. Base: A. G. M / A14 (backwards 6). 6. Weaver & Lock / This bottle / is the / Property of / Trade / W & L / Mark with 1928 around it / South Perth. Base: A534 / Modern AGM Monogram / A / impressed N23. (Western Australia). Aerated Water. Crown Seal. Various 185 - 194 mm. 1920s - 1950s