Sold for A$15
1. Plain bottle. Base: R. T. & Co. Label: Mr. H. E. Kugelmann, Consulting Herbalist. Sole Inventor of Herbal Magnetic Remedies. The Anti-Catarrhal Emolient. Price 10/6 and 21 /-. Directions... H. E. Kugelmann & Co. 4th Avenue New York City. Prepared at their Australian Laboratories Melbourne, Sydney, ... 2. H. E. Kugelmann's / Herbal Magnetic Remedies / New York & Melbourne. No base mark. Label: Mr. H. E. Kugelmann, Consulting Herbal Practitioner. The Herbal Magnetic Resolvent(?) No. 3. Price 21 /-. (Instructions etc.) Please return all bottles, tins and containers when empty. 3. H. E. Kugelmann's / Electric Essence / New York & Melbourne. Base: M. . Medicine. Cure. 1. Oblong. Tool finished top. Aqua. 8 oz. 2. Oblong. Tool finished top. Blue Aqua. 4 oz. 3. Oblong. Tool finished top. Blue Aqua. 3 oz. 164, 142 & 125 mm. 1900s - 1910s