Sold for A$45
Pair of different Sharpe Bros demijohns: 1. Health Beverages / (Horseshoe shape) / When Empty Return to / Sharpe Bros / Australia / & / New Zealand // Caution / Persons Damaging, Retaining or / trading with this jar are liable / to be prosecuted. No potters stamp. Sharpe Bros stopper in place. 2. Health Beverages / (Horseshoe shape) / When Empty Return to / Sharpe Bros / Australia / & / New Zealand // Caution / This jaris the absolute / property of Sharpe Bros. / anyone damaging, wil- / fully retaining or trad- / ing with it, is liable to / be prosecuted. Potters stamp: R. Fowler / 1918 / Sydney. Sharpe Bros stopper in place. Demijohn Sharpes 1. Internal Thread. Tan Top. Black Print. Gallon. 2. Internal Thread. Tan Top. Black Print. Gallon. 1. 333 mm without stopper. 2. 335 mm without stopper.. 1910s