Lot 302: Crowder Adelaide Antique Lamont Patent Bottles

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Sold for A$45

Pair of Lamonts: 1. W. N. Crowder / Patent / Trade (Beastie) Mark / Adelaide // Lamonts Patent Bottle Stopper / (Hand Holding Bottle) / Colonies. Around base heel: E. Breffit & Co // Makers London. No base mark. 2. Crowder & Co / Adelaide / and Port / Lamonts / (Hand Holding Bottle) / Patent // This bottle is the / Property of Crowder & Co / & cannot be bought / sold or exchanged / Nor can it be filled / by any other maker / without infringing / the Trade Mark Act. Around Base: John Lamont Maker Glasgow. Smooth base. (South Australia) Aerated Water Lamont 1. Applied top. Aqua. Double ended glass stopper. 10 oz. 2. Applied top. Aqua. 10 oz. 234 & 219 mm. 1880s

1. Fair. Polished. Remains of some deep etching, scratches and pit marks. Some deep wear around base edge. Plenty of little fisheyes and impact marks. Some impact flakes around base edge. This seems to be harder to get in this Breffit made version. This one has the double ended glass stopper inside. (5.7). 2. Good. Polished, this is a bit etched. A few lip nicks. Flaked impact marks around the base edge. Dinted area to base heel, it doesn't seem to have been a ground out chip, but we cannot say for sure that it is not. Some little impact marks, scratches and scuffs to the body. Small open bubble to the embossing. Small flake to the body. (6.4). Grade: N/A Estimate: $50 - 70
Crowder Adelaide Antique Lamont Patent Bottles
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