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Boxed Item: Front of box: Sticker over original packaging: Ten Gold Medals / and highest Award of Merit / MALTO- / CARRAGEN. / MALTINE is a concentrated extract of Malted / Barley, Malted Wheat and Malted Oats, and contains / all the beneficial and nutritious principles that can / be extracted from these three important cereals. / It possesses from five to ten times the virtues of / any alcoholic or fermented Extract of Malt; as it / contains much larger proportions of Nitrogenous / matter, Carbo-hydrates and Phosphates, and is / richer in bone-producing, fat- and muscle-making / elements. It is unrivalled as a natural solvent of / bread, pastry, and all other farinaceous food, and / is, therefore, an invaluable aid to sound and healthy / digestion. / Each pint consists of / Maltine and hops . . . 14 fluid ounces / Carrageen . . . . . 1 fluid ounce / Yerbine . . . . . 1 " / Directions for use. / For adults. - From a dessert-spoonful to a table- / spoonful five or six times a day. Children in pro- / portion. / It may be taken in milk, wine or water. Brandy / or other stimulants may be added when desirable. / Price 3s. 6d. / Prepared by the / Maltine Manufacturing Co. / (Limited), / 24 & 25, Hart Street, Bloomsbury, / London. On right side of box: Award of Merit, International Medical Exhibition, London, 1881. / Gold Medal / 1880-81 / Melboune Exhibition / Trade Mark / Gold Medal / Adelaide 1881 / Adelaide Exhibition. On rear of box: The only gold medal awarded at the International Health / Exhibition, London, 1884, for Malt Extracts, / was given for / "MALTINE" / (Malted Wheat, Barley and Oats), the original and ONLY preparation / composed of these three cereals. / MALTINE is equal (in daistatic power) to from 3 to 5 bottles of any other Extract of Malt in the Market. / Distatic Value - 30 times its own weight. MALTINE will not congeal or ferment. / Physicians sshould be careful to use the word "MALTINE" in their precriptions, and not simply the words "Extract of / Malt" or "Malt Extract." / Gold Medal, Calcutta Exhibition, 1884. Golde Medal, International Exhibition, Crystal Palace, 1884. / Ten Gold Medals. / The above Awards must satisfy all Medical Men that "Maltine" is the best, and, therefore, the cheapest Malt Extract which they can prescribe. One left side of box: Award of Merit, International Medical Exhibition, London, 1881. / Gold Medal / 1880-81 / Melboune Exhibition / Trade Mark / Gold Medal / Adelaide 1881 / Adelaide Exhibition. Now onto the bottle, it is still full, corked and labelled with the original seal on top which reads: Maltine Manufacturing Co / Limited / London. Label reads: MALTO / CARRAGEEN. / Each pint contains: / Maltine and Hops. 14 fl. oz. / Carrageen . . . 1 oz. / Yerbine . . . . 1 oz. / MALTINE is a concentrated / extract of Malted Barley, Malted Wheat / and Malted Oats, and contains all / the beneficial and nutritious prin- / ciples that can be extracted from / these three important cereals. / It possesses from five to ten times / the virtues of any alcoholic or fer- / mented Extract of Malt; as it / contains much larger proportions of / Nitrogenous matter, Carbo-hydrates / and Phosphates, and is richer in / bone-producing, fat- and muscle- / making elements. It is unrivalled / as a natural solvent of bread, pastry, / and all other farinaceous food, and / is, therefore, an invaluable aid to / sound and healthy / digestion. / Directions for use / From dessert to tablespoonful / three times a day. / Prepared by the / Maltine Manufacturing Co. / (Limited), / 24 & 25, Hart St., Bloomsbury / London. Bottle embossed to opposite side: The Maltine / Manufacturing Coy / Limited / London. No base mark. Medicine Cure Applied top, aqua. Pint. 176 mm. 1890s