Sold for A$20
2 bottles - Large & Small: 1. Bottle in original packaging: Package: (Train TM) Polak & Schwarz's (Train TM) / Essence - Fabrieken / Zaandam - Holland / Fougere flower oil / Made in Holland Nett 1 oz. / For manufacturing purposes only / Non spiritous. 2. Bottle with original label: Polak & Schwarz's / Essence - Fabrieken / Zaandam - Holland / (Ornate lithograph of factory) / Membre Du Comite exp. culin. la Haye 1904 / Medailles d or Croix d honneur et d argent / Membre / Hors Concours Polak & Schwarz du Jury / a diverses / expositions universelles / Membre d Honneur exp. int. Bruxelles 1905 / Raspberry fruit Essence / Proofspirit 126,2% / For manufacturing purposes only / Made in Holland. Bottle is base embossed (hard to read): Polaken Schwarz / Essence / Zaandam Holland. Household Essence 1. Applied top, amber. 1 oz. 2. Applied top, with original green stopper, tooled finish. Green. 5 lb. N/A. 1900s