Sold for A$74
Very Good (7.5). Heavy grime which will soak off. A few nibbled flakes around the front and left outer lip edge, nothing large. Some light haze throughout. A few fisheyes. Some scratches and light scuff marks. Usage wear under the base. Interesting bottle, not sure I have seen a large Cannington Shaw codd before? Parentis-en-Born is a commune in the Landes department in Nouvelle-Aquitaine in southwestern France. EST: $50 - 75
Ducourneau / Parentis En-Born // Fabrique en Angletrape / Cannington Shaw & Co Ld / Makers / St Helens England. No base mark. (France) Applied top. Traditional codd style patent with two tear drops. Aqua. 26 oz. 273 mm. 1890s