John Proudlove Yoxall had been a successful aerated water and cordial maker in North-Eastern Victoria for some time before joining in partnership with his brother Samuel Marshall Yoxall in taking over the huge Moonee Valley Cordial Company in North Fitzroy around 1905.
In 1908 the partnership was dissolved and soon after Samuel Yoxall moved to Western Australia where he operated hotels and ran aerated water businesses at Southern Cross and later Geraldton. Although no longer operated by the Yoxalls the North Fitzroy business continued to be known as “Yoxalls Moonee Valley Cordial Co.” until approximately 1911 under the management of Isaac Albert Newton.
Newton was to fall foul of the law on a couple of occasions for inadequate labelling of his products, albeit they were considered only minor infractions.
Below are some Advertising Postcards produced by Yoxall Bros. during their short time operating the Moonee Valley Cordial Co.